The A.A. Way web site is a resource created to support A.A. groups in their efforts to share their experience, strength and hope with each other in order to solve their common problem with alcohol and/or drugs. These groups are dedicated to the A.A. responsibility statement which says:
"I am responsible…
When anyone, anywhere,
reaches out for help, I want
the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible."
This site is committed to providing a quick reference to the documents supporting the three principles on the anniversary medallions of Unity, Service, and Recovery. Our slogan "Solving our common problem...helping others recover" comes directly from the A.A. Preamble, which states:
"Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism."
Most A.A. group meetings are "Open" meetings, meaning that anyone interested in learning more about alcoholism and those who think they may need a program of recovery are invited to visit our meetings.
As A.A. group members, we freely share our experience, strength and hope with all of those who attend a meeting and do our best to assist you with answers to your questions and uncertainties. Those of us in A.A. know that we get to keep what we have by giving it away, so we share it freely.
Our tradition of anonymity means that your presence and sharing is strictly confidential. As we say, "Who you see here, what you hear here, please let it stay here."
Most groups generally follow the traditional format for an A.A. meeting. Each meeting lasts about one hour and is an open sharing format with the discussion
guided by a topic suggested by the Chairperson of the meeting.
Every member has the opportunity to share their experience and perspectives related to the suggested topic. As well, if someone is facing a situation or circumstance that is troubling them and they wish to share it with the group, their sharing then becomes a priority guiding the sharing of the other members of the group.
Most meetings begin with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer, then the reading of selected materials that lay out the foundation of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and our program of recovery. Each meeting is closed with members clasping hands, saying The Lord's Prayer together out loud. Below is a list and brief description of the items read to begin each meeting:
A.A. Preamble: This statement is said to have been introduced in 1947 which borrowed much of the phrasing from the Forward to the original edition of the A.A. Big Book. Many view it as the definitive statement describing A.A.'s fellowship and its purpose and independence. It is generally read at the beginning of most A.A. meetings to help set the tone for the meeting and discussions.
A.A. How It Works: Taken directly from pages 58-60 of Chapter 5 of the A.A. Big Book, this is the description of how the A.A. program works. It is read at the beginning of most A.A. meetings and is one of the most referred to documents among members of the fellowship.
More About Alcoholism: So many among us have tried hard to resist the notion that they are alcoholic. This section from Chapter 3 of the A.A. Big Book reminds us of the insidiousness of the disease and how we are tricked into thinking that someday we will recover our capacity to drink again. Many groups read this statement at the beginning of the meeting to remind us that there is no cure or remedy for our alcoholism that will allow us to drink like others.
Complete abstinence is our only answer.
The Promises: Called by many as "the good news," the promises are found on pages 83-84 of Chapter 6 of the A.A. Big Book. These are often read at the beginning of a meeting to remind us of the results of being true to ourselves and working the program to remain sober.